Level up your spreadsheet skillz

Level up your spreadsheet skillz

Hey Everyone,

Hope you're having a great week. Here are a few things I've been reading, writing and pondering lately. Enjoy!

1. Content Marketers: Ask “Why?” Before You Write a Single Word

Here’s a great post from my colleague Nicole Kohler on how to improve your writing … before you write.

The key thing to keep in mind as you’re asking yourself “why” over and over again, is that it’s not meant to hurt or upset you. It’s not supposed to make you feel bad for coming up with ideas that aren’t up to par.
If this exercise surfaces some issues with a potential blog post, don’t throw it in the garbage. Refine it.

2. 24 Lessons From Warren Buffett’s Annual Letters To Shareholders

This is a long read (11,000+ words) but well worth your time.

3. Cool Writing/Content/Marketing Jobs

Also, Animalz is hiring.

4. Tweet of the Week


If you want to learn more about Sheets/Excel, check out Ben Collins’ blog.

Have a great weekend!


PS - I finally relaunched my content marketing course, 5 Days to Better Content Marketing. Join 300+ people that taken and enjoyed it.

PPS -  I’m looking to partner with a few great businesses to sponsor this newsletter. It reaches a bunch of smart folks from places like Google, Apple, Spotify, New York Times, Marriott and Harvard. Shoot me an email if you're interested in working together.

PPPS - I'm now an official Ghost partner. I've been using Ghost to run my blog for years and I absolutely love it. If you signup for Ghost with my link I do get a commission, but you get an incredibly powerful and simple way to manage your website. Markdown ftw!

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