Take the Profit First

Hey there!

As I've mentioned in each of the past few issues, I recently created a free email course called 5 Days to Better Content Marketing. I've gotten great feedback so far and am planning to do more of these.

As a result, I switched from MailChimp to ConvertKit this week and, wow, it's awesome. I highly recommend checking it and out and listening to this great interview with founder Nathan Barry.

Enjoy this week's issue and if you're feeling inspired, pass it on.


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1. How to Manage the Natural Ups and Downs of Your Workweek

I love this idea from Trent Hamm, founder of the great site The Simple Dollar.

I tend to spend Fridays heavily in brainstorming mode, just jotting down ideas and basic materials as I go through my day. On Mondays, I tend to deal with mundane tasks – dealing with the comments from the weekend, emails, and so forth. I do the vast majority of my actual writing on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Similarly, if I have a personal task I need to do, I tend to schedule it in in the early afternoon. That’s a great time to depart for a dentist appointment, have an exercise session, and so on. If I’ve stayed up late the night before, I sometimes even use the early afternoon for a nap.

The end result? I can squeeze quite a bit more productivity out of a given week by doing things in this fashion than by simply following a dry to-do list each day.

2. Profit First

This TED talk from Mike Michalowicz is awesome. He explains a system for making more profit and spending less. It's geared towards businesses, but could be used for personal finance as well.

3. Sebastian Junger on the Joe Rogan Podcast

Sebastian Junger is one of the journalists behind the documentary Restrepo. His new book Tribe explores how we've drifted away from tribal societies and why that's created an epidemic of alcoholism, depression and drug abuse in affluent communities.

He and Joe go deep.

4. Tweet of the Week

Have a great weekend!


PS - I'm looking to partner with a few great businesses to sponsor this newsletter. It reaches a bunch of smart folks from places like Google, Apple, Spotify, New York Times, Marriott and Harvard. Shoot me an email if you're interested in working together.

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