Here's the problem with SEO tools

Here's the problem with SEO tools

Hey Everyone,

Hope you're having a great week. Here are a few things I've been reading, writing and pondering lately. Enjoy!

1. Copycat Content: SEO Tools Got Us Here, Humans Will Get Us Out

SEO tools, helpful as they may be, have created a real issue in content marketing. They all use the same data to make recommendations and as a result, all content is starting to look the same.

There’s a better way and this post explains it.

2. 10 Things I Learned Reading Brad Stone’s “The Everything Store”

The book is worth reading but this is a solid summary from Shane Parrish.

3. Write to Express, Not to Impress

This is a great article. Thanks to my coworker Gabby for passing it along.

Swap nouns for verbs: Many times, writers unnecessarily water down sentences by using phrases that could be single words. Nouns in place of verbs are one example.
No: “I made a decision to exercise daily.”
Yes: “I decided to exercise daily.”

## 4. Animalz Is Hiring

I know I mention this a lot. But here’s the deal: we are hiring for a few really cool content marketing roles right now. Our entire team is made up of writers, editors and strategists, meaning that if you love content, there’s no better place to work. We also:

  • Are a fully remote team,
  • Offer competitive pay and benefits,
  • Have monthly wellness stipends, and
  • Create some of the best content on the web (you’ve almost certainly read our stuff without realizing it).

Read up on the jobs here and consider joining our next hiring webinar to learn more.

Have a great weekend!


PS - Want to brush up on your content marketing skillz? Check out my course 5 Days to Better Content Marketing. Join 300+ people that have taken and enjoyed it.

PPS - I’ve had some great folks sponsor this newsletter lately. If you’re interested in promoting your product or service to 4,000+ incredibly smart people, reply to this email to chat more.

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