Want to Retire Early? Here's the Math

Hi there!

A quick reminder—last week, I launched a free email course called 5 Days to Better Content Marketing. So far, 178 people have signed up. One reader sent me this note:

"Loved the series! The everyday emails made it easy to digest the content and commit to learning on an ongoing basis. You should do more of these."

I updated the course with a few free worksheets. If you interested, you can sign up here.


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1. The Early Retirement Grid

This is a really cool article I found via J.D. Roth's Twitter (a great person to follow by the way). Simple math + compounding interest are really, really powerful.

Clearly from this grid you can see the importance of making the gap between your income and spending as wide as possible. If you can earn $90,000 per year and only spend $20,000 you only need to work for 6 years to have enough money to support you for the rest of your life. But if you earn $90,000 and are spending $85,000 it will take you over 60 years to retire.

2. How I Learned to Believe in Myself

Another winner from Ramit Sethi who, for my money, is one of the interesting and powerful bloggers out there.

But I see people paralyzed by the end result. Instead, I forced myself to start off small and stay consistent. For example, I know a guy who constantly lectures me on health stuff he reads online like ketosis, Paleo, intermittent fasting. Yet he’s still overweight! I would rather be the guy known for putting in small steps — working out 3x/week — than for having an encyclopedic knowledge of health.

3. Productivity and the Workweek

This is a very interesting article from professor Erik Rauch. One very important point he raises: who benefits from your increased productivity? In almost all cases, not you.

An average worker needs to work a mere 11 hours per week to produce as much as one working 40 hours per week in 1950. The conclusion is inescapable: if productivity means anything at all, a worker should be able to earn the same standard of living as a 1950 worker in only 11 hours per week.

4. App of the Week: Todoist

On Monday of this week, I tweeted that I need a project management tool for myself. I got some great suggestions and decided to try the premium version of Todoist. I'm really impressed so. It's really lightweight, but can handle whatever I throw at it.

I also found Francesco D'Alessio's tutorial videos to be really helpful.

Have a a great week!
