Refreshing old content is waaay underrated

Hey Everyone,

Hope you're having a great week. Here are a few things I've been reading, writing and pondering lately. Enjoy!

1. How to Win Traffic by Refreshing Old Content

Refreshing old content is way underrated. In this week’s Animalz post, I explain why content decays and how to counteract it. (Bonus: The kind folks at AdEspresso let me use some real data to illustrate my point.)

2. Vacation is a poor substitute for leisure

This article is worth reading for this line alone: “We mistake leisure for idleness, and work for creativity.”

3. What is flexible working?

I really liked this piece from CharlieHR on all the different flexible working arrangements. The way we work is obviously changing fast and this post provided some ideas to accommodate that I hadn’t considered.

4. Tweet of the Week

Have a great weekend!


PS - I finally relaunched my content marketing course, 5 Days to Better Content Marketing. Join 300+ people that taken and enjoyed it.

PPS -  I’m looking to partner with a few great businesses to sponsor this newsletter. It reaches a bunch of smart folks from places like Google, Apple, Spotify, New York Times, Marriott and Harvard. Shoot me an email if you're interested in working together.

PPPS - I'm now an official Ghost partner. I've been using Ghost to run my blog for years and I absolutely love it. If you signup for Ghost with my link I do get a commission, but you get an incredibly powerful and simple way to manage your website. Markdown ftw!